Wednesday, April 18, 2012

poster Presentation

this is poster for presentation at 24 April all can see me at DEWAN GEMILANG...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

result and testing

this is my result from simulation using protues software and testing circuit using oscilloscope for testing output at the motor can see or compare result  from simulation and from testing circuit is same. that way my project is complete . 

Friday, April 13, 2012

first record my project.

This is firs my video for my project ..
 This video just first stage to propose for my adviser TUAN HAJI ZAINUDIN KORNAIN.

so enjoy this video..

Sunday, April 8, 2012

part 3 **** mechanical ****

Part 3 is the last part mechanical.

for part 3, I completed the installation of solar panels that are connected directly to the volt meter to ensure the maximum of the voltage received by the solar panel. If seen in the prototype above, I use two different size solar panel.

(1) small solar panel,, (output produced by this solar is used directly as input to be used as the source voltage for the operation of this circuit)

(2) large-sized solar panel,, (output produced are connected directly to the voltmeter to measure the voltage value that can produce and it also made ​​an analysis to turn off the solar panels can receive maximum sunlight.

The most difficult part I experienced in the completion of this prototype is the design of LDR. (Light Dependent resistors). in my research, the pyramids in Egypt is the only building known as the "building no shadow" as structure triangle-shaped construction, which is each side of building is bathed in sunlight. so from where Iapplied this concept in this prototype to ensure to the four LDR function effectively.

Monday, April 2, 2012

part 2 **mechanical **

Today I have completed Part 2 (mechanical)

Part 2 involves the movement of the motor 2, which involves the rotation of the motor 360 degrees from top to bottom.

The fixing must take into account many factors

   1) altitude of the motor position (allowing rotation of the motor is not interrupted)
   2) use of the central pillar (center pillar used to support the solar panel bars see picture     above)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


                                                       PART (1)

For part 1 (mechanical part), I use prospet transparent to serve as a base to stick DC motor and as we now prospet transparent have strength to accommodate rotation of DC motor.and another advantage to give first impression for our supervisors Tn.Haji Zainuddin Kornai  for flow design mechanical part.

This picture above is base for rotation 360 degree .so this motor will control that rotation to get the angle to get the best of light sun.

Friday, March 23, 2012

circuit pic

this is circuit for PIC controller ..i use pic 16f877A for control my prototype... because.

The 16F877A is one of the most  popular  PIC microcontrollers  and it's easy to see why - it comes in a 40 pin DIP pinout and it has many internalperipherals. 

The 40 pins make it easier to use the peripherals as the functions are spread out over the pins.  This makes it easier to decide what external devices to attach without worrying too much if there enough pins to do the job.  

One of the main advantages is that each pin is only shared between two or three functions so its easier to decide what the pin function (other devices have up to 5 functions for a pin).